Drug Rehab in Fort Lauderdale FL

Drug rehab Fort Lauderdale, the goal is to ensure that every patient receives the treatment and tools they'll need to live a healthier and sober life. After only a few days of treatment, it becomes easier to understand that drug addiction, in and of itself, is a very complex illness. In fact, it is one that is sometimes characterized by uncontrollable cravings for drugs and/or alcohol. Unfortunately, there is no cure for addiction; however, at Fort Lauderdale drug rehab centers, they assist the addict to cope with the disease, allowing him or her to lead a normal life

Those working at drug rehab center Fort Lauderdale understand the complexity of addiction. They understand the ins and outs of how the disease can cause major disruptions in a person's life, and more importantly, they understand that treatment is not easy. An effective drug rehab center is one that incorporates many therapy techniques into a patient's treatment plan, with each technique addressing a particular part of the illness. It is also a center that not only helps an addict quit using drugs, but one that provides support so that a drug-free lifestyle can be maintained.

Addicts, as well as their family members and loved ones, need to keep in mind that addiction is a chronic disease, and there is no exact way to go about treating it. Some people respond better to treatment than others, while some people don't respond at all. More commonly, those suffering from substance abuse issues require more than one stint in treatment and oftentimes relapse on several occasions throughout their life.

Principles of Treatment

When attending Drug Rehab Centers, patients can rest assured knowing they will receive treatment that is effective. Such treatment will include services that adhere to the following key principles:

  • Treatment addresses a patient's individual needs in addition to his or her addiction issue
  • There is no one-size-fits-all treatment program
  • Even though addiction is a chronic disease, it is still treatable
  • Addiction doesn't only affect a person's behavior

It also affects the way the brain functions

  • Treatment should be available on an ongoing basis
  • Long-term treatment is almost always necessary
  • In addition to behavioral therapies, medications are oftentimes an important part of treatment
  • A patient's treatment plan must be reviewed and altered on an ongoing basis
  • Many substance abusers also suffer from mental illnesses
  • Drug detox is a crucial part of treatment


There is never just one therapy for a clients. Some clients thrive in a group atmosphere whereas others prefer a one-on-one session. For most clients, a mixture of both individual and group therapies are most effective. Even if you have a dual diagnosis, such as depression and addiction, professionals have the knowledge and resources to support your recovery. You may even find another client with similar issues. Forming a bond between clients is a healthy way to stay sober.

– Motivational interviewing: Such treatment capitalizes on a patient's willingness to change behavior.

– Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This type of treatment aims at helping a patient recognize the situations in which drug abuse is likely to take place, followed by teaching the person how to cope and avoid such situations.

– Family therapy: This treatment was developed to help an addict and his or her family learn ways in which the family can function so that relapse is unlikely to take place.

When you've taken the step to become sober, there's a constant worry in your mind about relapsing. No one is ever completely cured of their addiction, but there are recovery tools to keep you on the right track. With your addiction recovery as a priority, you'll feel strong enough to face each day with confidence and dignity. To start a drug rehab program today, call Drug Treatment Fort Lauderdale at (877) 804-1531.To find the best facility to meet your needs.


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